Bill Becker, USA |
Valerio Calzolaio, Italy Journalist and writer. Recent essays include “EcoRefugees. Forced migration yesterday, today and tomorrow” and “Freedom to migrate”. Four times member of the Italian Parliament, Vice Minister of the Environment. Professor in Paris, Exeter, and at the University of Macerata from 1990-1992. Advisor to the Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Drought and Desertification (UNCCD). |
Rene Castro Salazar, Costa Rica Mr Castro-Salazar held ministerial positions in Costa Rica as Minister of National Resources, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Environment, Energy between 1994 and 2014. Now he’s Assitant-Director General for the FAO Forestry Department. |
Ayman Cherkaoui, Marocco International Expert in Climate Change Adaptation/ Capacity Building/ Loss and Damage. Experience in Legal,Engineering, Aviation, Communications, and Management Strategy Consulting. Lead Counsel for Climate Change at Centre for International Sustainable Development Law. Former Special Advisor for Negotiations and Climate Change for COP 22 – Presidency of Kingdom of Marocco. |
Giulieto Chiesa, Italy Journalist and author; Member, New Policy Forum. |
Gareth Dale, UK Senior Lecturer, Politics and History, Brunel University, London; Board Member, Journal of Sustainable development; Consultant on Development Issues, European Parliament. |
Frederick Dubee, Canada Senior Advisor, Global Compact, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations.Fred Dubee is a professor at the European Peace University, Austria, honorary professor at the Beijing Genomics Institute, China and lectures internationally at academic institutions and research institutes. Vice-Chair International Green Economy Association (IGEA) and Chairman of the Annual World Congress of Biodiversity (BioD-2013) |
Ian T. Dunlop, Australia Former senior international oil, gas and coal industry executive. Chair of the Australian Coal Association, 1987-88, and of the Australian Experts Group on Emissions Trading and CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors from 1997-2001. |
Grazia Francescato, Italy Environmental leader and journalist. She has served as President of WWF Italy, President of the Italian Greens and Spokesperson for the European Greens. She is also a former member of the Italian Parliament for the Green Party. |
Andrei Grachev, Russian Federation President, the New Policy Forum. |
Georgios Kostakos, Greece He served on the secretariat of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) as Senior Adviser and Acting Deputy Executive Secretary (2010-2012), and on many other positions at the United Nations, the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), the University of Athens, The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Salzburg Global Seminar. Georgios has been one of the founders of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) and is currently serving as its first Executive Director. Georgios’ areas of expertise include global governance and sustainability, climate change, UN reform, conflict resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. |
Martin Lees, UK Adviser to the President of COP20; Rector Emeritus, UN University for Peace; former UNASG for Science and Technology; Moderator Gorbachev Task Force on Climate Change; Former Secretary General of the Club of Rome. He was responsible for the design and launching of the OECD InterFutures” Project in 1974 and founder of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. |
Graeme Maxton, Scotland He is the Secretary General of the Club of Rome, a global network of renowned independent thinkers. He's author and co-author of many books and articles.Until 2007, he was a Regional Director with the Economist Group in Hong Kong. He previously worked for strategy consultants Booz. Allen & Hamilton, in banking with Citigroup and American Express, and was a Visiting Professor at Cass Business School in London from 1988 to 2002. |
Jennifer Morgan, USA Executive Director at Greenpeace International. Formerly the Global Director of the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute, Jennifer oversaw the Institute’s work on climate change issues and guided WRI strategy in helping countries, governments, and individuals take positive action toward achieving a zero-carbon future. She has been Review Editor for the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She serves on the Germany Council on Sustainable Development and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Jennifer Morgan is the Executive Director of Greenpeace International. A climate activist, she has been a leader of large teams at major organisations, and her other ports of call have included the Worldwide Fund for Nature, Climate Action Network, and E3G. |
Serena Pellegrino, Italy She is an italian politician and architect. She graduated in Architecture in Venice and specialised in bio-architecture and solution for energy saving in buildings. In 2013 she’s been elected as a Deputy in the Italian Parliament with Sinistra, Ecologia e Libertà Party. She is is currently vice-president of the Environmental Commission of the Italian Parliament. |
Michael Rast, Germany Since 2008 he’s Head for the Science Strategy, Coordination and Planning Office in the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA ESRINin Frascati. Specialised in geo-scientific photogrammetry and remote sensing he joined ESA mainly being involved in establishing science and mission requirements for Earth observation satellite sensors such as MERIS and Envisat. He was heading the Land/Surface Unit at ESA’s mission Science Division at ESTEC in the Netherlands for several years prior to his secondment to the GEO Secretariat in Geneva as Senior Programme Officer. |
Jose Luis Samaniego, Mexico Chief of the Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean from 2004. Former Director of the Center for Sustainable Transport of Mexico and Head of International Affairs at the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries of Mexico between 1994 and 2000. Coordinator and co-author of numerous texts. |
Roberto Savio, Italy President Emeritus, IPS. He is a journalist, communications expert, political commentator, activist for social and climate justice and advocate of global governance. He has spent most of his career with Inter Press Service (IPS), the news agency which he founded in 1964 along with Argentine journalist Pablo Piacentini |
Oltmann Siemens, Germany Siemens was the World Bank Group Representative in Germany and Special Representative of the IFC in Europe from 1997 – 2007 and has most recently worked as General Counsel for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He has worked in approximately 65 countries around the world over the course of his career and is familiar with the development and canes within the banking system in Africa. |
Riccardo Valentini, Italy Director of the Impacts Division of the CMCC and Member of the Biogeoscience Committe of the European Research Council. Full professor of Forest Ecology at the University of Tuscia, Italy. His expertise covers the role of land use and forestry in the carbon cycle, biodiversity and bioenergy. As a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) board, he was awarded the Peace Nobel Price 2007. He is coordinator of the EU-Proiect CARBOAFRICA |
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Perù Manuel Pulgar-Vidal is a lawyer with 27 years of experience in the fields of environmental law and policy. In 2011 he was named Minister of State for Environment, the position he now occupies in addition of being named President of COP20. In 1986 he founded the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, one of the most recognised organisations of environmental law in the region, where he served as Executive Director for 20 years. In his role as Minister he is responsible for proposing and defining the environmental policies of the country, including biodiversity and climate change policies. He is also in charge of implementing the environmental legislation of the country and its enforcement policies. |
Tebaldo Vinciguerra, Italia-Francia Diplomato in scienze politiche. Ha lavorato dal 2011 al 2016 sulle questioni di ecologia e sviluppo sostenibile presso il Pontificio Consiglio della Giustizia e della Pace. Continua il suo lavoro nel Dicastero per il servizio dello Sviluppo umano integrale, recentemente istituto dal Santo Padre. |